Sunday, June 30, 2024

Lego Jam entry: World of Seven Slizers

This is my entry for the Summer LEGO RPG Setting Jam, based on the Slizers/ThrowBots theme. You can find it in PDF form here. Let me know if you have trouble accessing the file.

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In the beginning, there was Chaos.


8504 Judge/Jet

From Chaos, the Judge arose. The Judge wished to study and understand Chaos. They judged it to be composed of seven basic elements: Ice, Water, Fire, Jungle, Rock, Energy, and City.

The Judge formed a piece of Chaos into Order, as a perfect sphere. This world they cut scores in, dividing it into seven equal slices. Next, they created seven Slizers, one out of each element. Every Slizer was given one slice of the world as their own realm. They would shape it as they saw fit, and the Judge would judge their efforts.


Image by Christian Faber

The Slizers completed their task, and the Judge saw that they had all done well. Every Slizer had filled their realm with their own element, eliminating all others. But then the Judge spotted a flaw. The City was imperfect, full of lesser beings composed of all seven elements. The Judge questioned the City Slizer, who said that these beings were humans, an essential part of the City. This presented the Judge with a conundrum. With humans in the City, the world was unbalanced, the elements not perfectly divided. Yet if they were taken away, the City would be lessened, and the world still not in balance.

Before the Judge could reach a decision, a worse calamity struck. From out of Chaos came a horde of enraged demons. They screamed that judgment of the Judge was false, that the infinite variety of Chaos could not be understood or categorized. They invaded the world to tear it apart and return it to Chaos.

The Judge and the Slizers fought the demons, and eventually drove them away. But the damage was done. While the seven realms still stood, they had all been stained by elements not their own. The flora, the fauna, and the land itself had been twisted by demonic influence.

The Judge built a great palace at the northern pole, where the seven realms met, and retreated there with the Slizers. They would leave the shaping of the world to the humans and the other beings dwelling there. The Judge would judge their efforts.


The Seven Realms


8501 Ice/Ski

The Ice is composed of tundras, glaciers, snow-covered peaks, and frozen lakes. Life is tough on the Ice, but hardy communities and fierce animals still survive there. Ice tunnels and frozen caverns fill the underground - easy to slip down, difficult to escape from. And sealed in the deepest ice are those chaotic things which the Judge could not destroy, yet also refused to let lesser beings find.


8503 Sub/Scuba

The Water or the Sub-Realm reaches all the way down to the world’s core. A few tiny islands poke above the surface, but the true realm lies below. Tall peaks rise from the depths, overgrown by coral and riddled with caves. Some have air trapped inside, letting humans and other surface beings dwell there. The Sub-Realm is so vast and dark that, after the invasion, a demon lord managed to hide from the Slizers in the deepest depths. It remains there to this day, waiting, whispering to mortals, and twisting sea creatures into monstrosities.


8500 Fire/Torch

The Fire is a landscape of volcanoes, basalt plains, and rivers and seas of lava. It is a realm inimical to most forms of life, yet life persists. During the demonic invasion, the Fire and Rock Slizers worked together to create soldiers to fight against the demons. They heated rock and smelted it into strong metal, then filled it with living fire. These war-forged beings still live in the Fire, and have built many thriving civilisations.


8505 Jungle/Amazon

The Jungle is a vast forest, where every species of tree imaginable can be found at least somewhere within. Many rivers run through the Jungle, sometimes swelling into large swamps. The water, the ground and the trees teem with animals preying upon each other. The Jungle Slizer was the Slizer most reluctant to abandon her realm. Before she did, she elevated a number of animals and plants to become guardian spirits, tasking them to protect the Jungle. The spirits have done so ever since, but also compete with each other, the way all life does.


8506 Rock/Granite

The Rock consists of mountains, plateaus, badlands and canyons. Rivers are found here and there, hurtling through rapids and waterfalls. Few plants or animals survive on the barren slopes. In this realm, the underground is more hospitable. A dense network of caverns stretches to the world’s core, home to many forms of life unlike anything seen on the surface. These tunnels reach into the neighboring realms, and even further beyond.


8507 Energy/Electro

The Energy is possibly the strangest realm: An open abyss, filled with thunder clouds and twisting storms. Pieces of land float in the air, suspended by antigravitic energies and blasted by lightning strikes. But even this realm is not uninhabited. The people of the Energy traverse their realm in flying ships and skiffs, powered by lightning. Reliant on Energy itself, these flyers work poorly in other realms.


8502 City/Turbo

The City is an urban sprawl of skyscrapers, apartment blocks, malls, factories, highways and railways. Some parts are darkened by intense pollution. Below the streets are basements, sewers, subways, and underground districts. It is said that before the demonic invasion, the City was fully inhabited by humans, but today only a fraction is. Most buildings are empty and decaying, sometimes torn down for resources.

The most common animals in the City are the wheel beasts, mechanical creatures that move on two, four, or even more wheels. They charge down highways and streets at terrifying speed, running down anyone in their way. Most wheel beasts are completely wild and untameable. The exception is motorbikes, which the City-dwellers have managed to domesticate and use as steeds.

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