Monday, December 26, 2022

Alternate Bulette Challenge: Quacking Orb

A monster for Samuel Bennett's Alternate Bulette Challenge! Statted for Into the Odd.

 Hophop from Ultraman

Quacking Orb

This spherical monstrosity quacks before rolling into combat. Unwary foes who group together will find themselves scattered like bowling pins.

Str 14  Dex 7  Wil 10

HP 8  Armor 2

Rolling strike: d8 blast. Everyone who is attacked must pass a Str save or be sent flying from the impact. 

Claws: d6. Used if the orb is unable to roll for some reason. 

The shell of a quacking orb is sturdy and relatively light for its size. It can be salvaged and used for all kinds of purposes.

The people of the hills above the Silver River revere the quacking orbs as messengers from the stars. Inspired by the orbs, they have developed a special bodyfolding technique, which lets humans (and similar beings) roll downhill at high speed, unharmed. It might be possible to convince them to teach this technique to outsiders.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Devil Christmas


I ran a oneshot of Sibylla's excellent Devil Devil Devil. Christmas themed!


Rural Sweden, 19th century...

The devils - let’s call them Wrath, Gluttony, and Pride - woke up in the crypt of a church on early Christmas morning. The sexton came in to prepare for the morning service. Wrath quickly tempted him into giving up his soul to become a priest. She also convinced him to become pregnant with a quickly growing cambion.

Gluttony went to the nearby village to find more souls. Got a couple but realized mot people had gone to church, so needed to get back there quickly. Bent the wish for food from a mother with starving children, so their house - with Gluttony inside - flew away, landed next to the church and transformed into a well-stocked manor.

The service begun. Pride had convinced the sexton-turned-priest to emphasise the “twelve-horned angel” in his Christmas sermon (Pride had twelve horns). Gluttony was sitting with the congregation enjoying the show. Wrath decided it was time for some chaos and incited rage in all mortals present. A battle royale broke out in the pews. The man sitting next to Gluttony came at him with a punch. Gluttony decided to dodge the attack in most extra way possible: by enlarging the entire church to three times its size. This enlarged the pew as well, moving Gluttony’s attacker away from him, so their swing missed!

Wrath got a couple of quick souls by selling strength to two women fighting each other. One got massive arm muscles, the other got massive leg muscles.

The priest ran down from the altar to fight, but suddenly started going into labor. Wrath went to help him out and roped the other devils in as well.

The enlarged church was unable to support its own weight, and started to creak. Not wanting to lose all the souls inside, Wrath created a couple of doppelgangers of herself. Two Wraths got the priest to safety through a side exit and did their best as midwives. The third ran down the middle of the church, challenging everyone to fight her outside!

The congregation charged after her into the churchyard. Wrath used a devilish trick to reopen their old scars, causing most of the fighters to topple over in pain. The lady with the enlarged arm muscles was still going, though. She came at Wrath with an overpowered punch, sending Wrath flying out of the churchyard, across the road, into the forest, through a couple of trees, and skidding to a halt in the snow. Ouch.

Meanwhile the other devils had overseen the birth of Wrath’s cambion, a beautiful little girl. They (including Wrath’s doppelgangers) went up to the now badly wounded congregation, healing their wounds for the low low price of their eternal souls. The church collapsed. Fortunately everyone had made it outside.

Pride made sure everyone knew the Twelve-Horned Angel had saved them from destruction. Many were taken by his words and were convinced they had an agent of the Lord among them.

Gluttony had managed to save a triple-sized bottle of wine from the church, and delivered it to the manor family as an extra Christmas present.

Wrath’s daughter soon learned how to talk, and named herself “Church-Murderer”.

* * *

This game is so much fun. I recommend it.