Sunday, January 22, 2023

Dungeon23: Week 3


Rooms 16 - 22

16. 11 taxidermized birds of various species (Str 7, Wil 5, HP 1, beak d6) bickering and making noise. Empty shelves, compartments marked with bird species names.

17. Taxidermized skvader (half grouse, half hare; Str 7, Dex 15, Wil 5, bite d6) trying to break out of glass case. Worth 500 s in non-animate condition.

18. Five frames and a table with insects squirming on needles. Breaking one releases an angry, needle-armed swarm of insects (d8 blast).

19. Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton (Str 18, Dex 8, HP 25, bite d12), too big to get out of the room. A number of displays that have held dinosaur skeletons (others have fled).

20. Corridor leading away and up to a barn.

21. Taxidermized crocodile (Str 15, HP 8, Armor 1, bite d8) gorging on taxidermized fish flopping around.

22. Stairs leading down to Level Two.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Dungeon23: Week 2


Rooms 9 - 15

9. Pressed plants have grown out of their folders (stored in cabinets) and made the room near impassable.

10. Corridor covered in mold. Anyone who enters must pass a Wil save or have their brain infested by mold that will eventually develop a separate consciousness.

11. Coconut has grown into a palm. Broken gold filigree worth 100 s.

12. The moss room. Moss covers furniture and all surfaces. Will grow to cover anything in 10 minutes.

13. Table and chairs. Animate taxidermized bird (Str 7, Wil 5, HP 1, beak d6) carrying annoyed mold intelligence (from room 10).

14. Giant venus flytraps. If caught: d6 Str loss per turn, Str save to escape. The room is very moist. Sunlight enters by way of mirrors.

15. Gardener's closet. Watering can with sparkling water that will make any living thing grow to twice its size (permanently). 5 uses.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Dungeon23: Week 1


Rooms 2 - 8

2. Empty shelves, compartments marked with mineral names. Scrape marks in the floor by the north doorway.

3. Three mineral combines (Dex 7, HP 4, Armor 2, fists d6) formed from mineral samples. Revere metal as an ascended substance. Admiring and praising a large geode decorated with gold filigree (200s, Bulky).

4. Three paintings of mountains and mines (50s apiece).

5. Large rock crystal which vibrates in response to sound. A very loud noise (eg. a person screaming) will cause it to explode (d12 blast).

6. Storage room with wooden crates. One is shaking and rattling. Contains mineral samples trying to form a mineral combine.

7. Drawing room.

8. Bar with three bottles of "mineral tonic". The drinker takes mineral form for an hour, and has Armor 2.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Dungeon23: Week 0 (or 52)

Yeah let's do Dungeon23!

I'm sticking pretty close to the original idea. One room a day, trying not to think ahead too much. Of course I have some ideas for what's to come, but they're not set in stone. Let's see what happens.

The themes I'm thinking about for this dungeon are the diversity of life, the desire to classify and control, and the passage of time.

The system is Into the Odd.

I'm intending to make one post a week, with the seven rooms of that week... but the first week of 2023 is very short, so this post has just one room! Being alone on the page it got a longer description than most rooms will get.

When I start a new level I'll write a description of that level's general environment.


Obligatory notebook picture. A6 size, all pages blank.
Pretty flowers on the cover!

Below Earthley Manor

Lord Taxet of Earthley Manor was an avid collector of naturalia, and loved showing off his collection to distinguished guests. One night, the manor burned to the ground, cause unknown. The lord was nowhere to be found.

But the manor's basement, home to the majority of the collection, was untouched by the fire. Without doubt there are many treasures and secrets to be recovered below ground...

Level One: The Collection

Wooden floors. Walls and ceiling are brick covered in plaster, painted with plant and flower decorations.

This level is dark. There are candleholders with unlit candles in every room.

Room 1


1. Stairs leading up to the surface.

Three doorways. A word is written above each. West: ANIMALIA. North: VEGETALIA. East: MINERALIA.

A small cabinet with glasses, and a broken brandy bottle.